Eric Joseph Call
May 15, 2017 at 5:13 PM
Hello momma,
I am excited to read all your letters and to be blessed and probably a little spoiled with the gifts you gave me ha!! Of course I will tell Bishop and I'm glad that is worked smoother than last time!! I love you to and thank you for raising me right and in this gospel. Bishop said the reason a lot of people in the west have big families is because they are raising a righteous posterity and it made me cry because you have done that for our family! We are able to share this and I'm able to be here because of the gospel and my mom and dad and brothers and sisters! Don't worry I don't think you were and it will be much appreciated for your prayers. I will think of you as well it is good but sad that my birthday is already here because of time here on the mission!! Thank you once again I love you and am soooo grateful for my family and now I get to help others become the best we can be love ya. Elder Call
Chopping Nikola's and Tiesha's chard!!
My shiny new machete isn't so shiny anymore!
Nuff cleaning on Satday when Elder Elliott wasn't feeling so good!
I got all this fruit in the market for 4 American dollars!!! Nuff bananas and oranges!!